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You are welcome here!

In 1994, First Congregational UCC voted to become an Open and Affirming church, making our commitment to welcoming all people into our church and into our life an official part of our bylaws. We are a member of the Interfaith Coalition on Nondiscrimination and seek to actively support gay, lesbian, bisexual,  transgender, intersex  justice issues while providing a home of love and acceptance to all. 


Adopted January 2016:

In 1994 First Congregational UCC, Indianapolis, identified itself as an Open and Affirming congregation.

This began our commitment to end ignorance, fear, hatred, prejudice and discrimination against all people.  We are called to follow the life and teachings of Jesus who denied no one and welcomed all.  We do this by creating a safe place which is free from exploitation and abuse, and that is inclusive for all people to worship God.

We acknowledge that despite our best intentions, we are likely to make mistakes but we commit in advance to listen, confess, reconcile, restore and recommit in love on this journey.

Therefore, we enter into this mutual covenant with each other and God to offer an extravagant welcome on behalf of our body of believers to all who would follow Jesus regardless of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, race, age, education, economic class, nationality, ethnicity, marital status,  physical or psychological differences as equals in the life and ministry of our faith community.

Revisiting the Rainbow

The rainbow has been used many times throughout history. This video shows a handful of some of its uses. Learning about the origin of the rainbow will better relate you to our Open and Affirming stance.

Scripture Affirms the LGBTQ Community!

This video takes a critical look at scriptures that have commonly been used against LGBTQ people. This light-hearted, comedic courtroom style skit looks at these passages in proper historical context.

We celebrate being Open & Affirming since 1994!

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